Monday, September 24, 2012

1 1/2 Weeks Old

 Sportin' his new kicks. Unfortunately, he is never awake long enough to get out to show them off.

 He finally woke up for a few minutes and then he was out again. At least he was having a good dream.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Elliott Bowen Wood- 9/14/2012

Elliott was 8 lbs and 21 inches long

My mom got a flight to Arizona as soon as she heard that we were getting induced. Elliott was able to wait long enough to allow her to get there for his birth. She made it with an hour to spare.
 He got a little bit of a bruise on the back of his head from delivery. This little bruise caused him to stay in the hospital for a couple of extra days under the bilirubin lights. But it's already gone away and he is doing great.

Adam didn't get much sleep the first night on the extra comfortable chair pull out bed, so he snuck a few minutes on the bed the next morning.
He's definitely got big feet and toes that could be mistaken as fingers.

 He doesn't have much hair, but what he does have is strawberry blonde and extremely fuzzy.